Monday, January 16, 2012

Love Languages

I'm sure by now you've heard of the 5 Love Languages, but if not, they are:

1. Quality Time
2. Words of Affirmation
3. Acts of Service
4. Physical Touch
5. Receiving Gifts

Basically different people respond to these five in different ways, and the theory is that if you meet someone that speaks the same love language as you, you're more compatible to each other. 

So of course my roommates decided to take the online quiz to find out which language we spoke. Before taking it, my guess was that my top two were quality time and physical touch because I have always been drawn to physical affection from others and I love just being in their presence. I also knew that receiving gifts and words of affirmation would most likely be at the bottom of the list because in both these cases, I feel bad when I receive a gift or kind words from someone because I didn't think to give them a gift or say the sweet thing that they said. Obviously I felt the same way, but that just wasn't the way I expressed it. 

After taking the quiz, my number #1 love language was physical touch with quality time in a close second. Acts of service came third with words of affirmation as fourth and receiving gifts as last. Haha looks like I didn't need the quiz to tell me what I liked. 

Take the quiz yourself (click here) and post your results in the comments below!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Saturday!!

  • Walking next to a random guy on the way to class that was fiercely, but quietly whispering the entire way there. I felt like he was casting spells on me or something. 
  • Walking home next to another random guy (in the dark might I add) that was carrying a hand made bow and arrow with him. Might I ask what he was doing with that on campus?
  • The fact that our freezer won't shut because we have too much food in it. Duck tape, anyone?
  • Being on time for my organic chemistry class, yet still having to climb over like twenty people to get to an open seat. 
  • When someone you know pretty well sees you, but then looks away quickly pretending they didn't notice you were there. 
  • The forty year old man at the gym that had a legit unibrow.
  • The random cough attack I had in the quietest part of the library. 
  • The fact that I can never get my sheets to stay on my bed . . . I sleep in a sleeping bag on top of my bed. How in the world are they coming off people?? 
  • The stares I get from people when I wear bike shorts. If you don't know what those are, they're spandex with a pad in them that looks like a diaper (which I'm pretty sure is what people think the padding is). Here's a nice little picture for ya if you still don't understand what I'm talking about. This is the only picture I have of me wearing bike shorts that was taken from the back (I'm promise that brown stuff is just mud). 

But since it's a little hard to see the padding, I provided an extra picture (that's not me) below. 

  • This quote: "A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek him first in order to find her." 
  • The majority of my classes this semester. 
  • Even better? The fantastic times they are at. Goodbye early mornings. Hello sleep!
  • Every single night this week.  :) 
  • All the new stuff I'm learning on the cello. LOVE that instrument. 
  • Greek yogurt. My new addiction. 
  • Going out to dinner with four awesome friends four nights in a row. 
  • My roommates. They seem to get more fun everyday. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

It's Back!

Hey everyone! I know I've been bad about blogging lately... it's not because I haven't wanted to blog, it's just simply because I felt like I didn't have anything to blog about. BUT. Awkward and Awesome Saturday will be back tomorrow, so be excited! See ya then.   :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Story of Our Dorm

I know most of these are inside jokes, but for those of you that know my roommates and I, this will probably give you a laugh. If you don't understand the comments, just enjoy my drawing. Haha cause this is the best it gets.   :) 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


So this morning I was reading my friend's blog (click here to read the post yourself) and she was talking about how she no longer knew whether "home" was at college or at her home in Kentucky. 

I've been struggling with this exact same thing lately. Last night when saying our family prayer, I asked that I would be be blessed "getting back home safely". I then corrected myself and said "getting back to school safely". But I was surprised at how easily the word "home" just slipped off my tongue. The only reason I corrected myself was because I was in denial of the fact that Provo could be my new home, and Idaho was just a place I visited now. I would have never called Provo my home two months ago, but now that I've started adjusting to it more, apparently my subconsciousness has too.

 To be honest, when I called Provo home, I felt like I had just lost the battle. I was fighting so hard to keep "home" here in Idaho, and "school" in Utah. If "home" was now in Utah, what was Idaho

This is where I'm once again grateful I read my friend's post because she then talked about how she realized you actually can have two homes when saying:

"I will always have two homes. One where I am and one where my family is. Because when it's all said and done, family is the biggest part of what makes a home."

I couldn't have said it any better myself.