Monday, November 21, 2011

Da Boys

Meet my little brothers - Alex and Zach. They're twins . . . just born three and a half years apart. Because they are so inseparable, we used to just call them "the boys", until we eventually just combined their names and called them ZALEX. 

Alex (on the left in the first picture and on the right in the second) is fourteen and is a total lady's man.  
He is my running buddy but is definitely more talented and faster than I am. He also loves playing lacrosse and cuddling with his mama. 

Zach (vise-versa of Alex) is almost eleven. He's my little man. Him and I are on the same brain wave and we understand each other very well. It's sometimes funny how much he reminds me of myself. Zach is awesome at soccer and will go far in that sport if he sets his heart to it. 

I personally think the two of them are the cutest things around and I've definitely missed them since I've been here at college (although I must admit I don't miss the pee on the toilet seat). Haha but really they are a whole bunch of fun and I love them a lot :) 


  1. Wow, Thanks Em, cuddling with mama... say goodbye to my chick-magnet status! haha

  2. hahahaha I doubt any of your girlfriends read my blog :) don't you worry
