Friday, November 4, 2011


Hey everyone! My name is Emily and I have NEVER blogged before, so please bear with me. Just a little secret...I have always been technologically challenged. I'm telling ya people - like major difficulties. So figuring out how to create a blog is a huge step for me. If you're really lucky, a picture might just pop up on here some I said, if you're lucky. Just don't hold your hopes too high. Baby steps, right?
Anyhow, for starters I thought I'd tell you a little bit about myself. Here are some random facts:

  • I grew up in Idaho, but I'm currently living in Utah as a student at Brigham Young University. 
  • I'm trying to get into the nursing program, which is very competitive here... (can't we all just be friends??)
  • I LOVE peaches...especially canned ones...I live off of those here (is that dangerous?)
  • I love running, road cycling, and mountain biking. 
  • I'm a grammar freak (it's TWO, TO, and TOO; THEY'RE, THEIR, and THERE; YOUR and YOU'RE, and lastly my favorite - it's "My friend and I"....NOT "Me and my friend") Ha have I proved my point?
  • I grew up with three brothers (so as you can imagine, living with five female roommates has been an adjustment)
  • I love my family - more than anything in this world. 
  • I love my faith and my religion. I would not be the person I am today without it. 
  • I am surrounded with wonderful people who inspire me to be a better person everyday. 
Welps before I get too sappy, I better stop. I hope this first post wasn't too boring. I promise I'll get better (ha let's at least hope I do). Ta ta for now :) 


  1. Welcome to the Blogsphere! Yay for having blogs! Now you better keep this updated! ;)

  2. Thank you!!! You're welcome to follow it :) Miss you!

  3. Sweet post. I have English grammar necessities too. Too bad Potuguese kills you. We say things like, "You shouldn't never buy nothing on Sunday." This sentence structure ends up being grammatically correct in Portuguese. Creepy.
