- Walking next to a random guy on the way to class that was fiercely, but quietly whispering the entire way there. I felt like he was casting spells on me or something.
- Walking home next to another random guy (in the dark might I add) that was carrying a hand made bow and arrow with him. Might I ask what he was doing with that on campus?
- The fact that our freezer won't shut because we have too much food in it. Duck tape, anyone?
- Being on time for my organic chemistry class, yet still having to climb over like twenty people to get to an open seat.
- When someone you know pretty well sees you, but then looks away quickly pretending they didn't notice you were there.
- The forty year old man at the gym that had a legit unibrow.
- The random cough attack I had in the quietest part of the library.
- The fact that I can never get my sheets to stay on my bed . . . I sleep in a sleeping bag on top of my bed. How in the world are they coming off people??
- The stares I get from people when I wear bike shorts. If you don't know what those are, they're spandex with a pad in them that looks like a diaper (which I'm pretty sure is what people think the padding is). Here's a nice little picture for ya if you still don't understand what I'm talking about. This is the only picture I have of me wearing bike shorts that was taken from the back (I'm promise that brown stuff is just mud).
But since it's a little hard to see the padding, I provided an extra picture (that's not me) below.
- This quote: "A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek him first in order to find her."
- The majority of my classes this semester.
- Even better? The fantastic times they are at. Goodbye early mornings. Hello sleep!
- Every single night this week. :)
- All the new stuff I'm learning on the cello. LOVE that instrument.
- Greek yogurt. My new addiction.
- Going out to dinner with four awesome friends four nights in a row.
- My roommates. They seem to get more fun everyday.
You should add this under the awkward: "The fact that I just posted a picture of my butt on my blog."