Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Beautiful Moments

So today was my second day volunteering in the recovery room at the hospital. As you know, I am a Nursing major at Brigham Young University. There are many things that I have really been looking forward to doing once I graduate and become a nurse. With that said, there is one thing that I've been scared about, and that's the work shifts. I get tired very easily, and have often been afraid that I wouldn't be able to handle the 12 hour shifts that most nurses are required to work. I'm glad to say though that after today, that fear has been eased a little bit. 

Although I got pretty tired after being at the hospital for ten hours, honestly it was the patients that really kept me going. For example, I had one older man that started crying when he woke up after coming out of back surgery. But the wonderful thing was, these weren't tears of pain, but tears of joy. The man told me that the intense pain he had been dealing with in his leg for the past five years was completely gone. He simply couldn't keep the tears back because he was so happy. How beautiful the moment was. It really is times like these that I'm reminded why I'm doing what I'm doing. How blessed I am to have the opportunity to be a part of it. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Long Time No See

Okay. It's been way too long since I've written on here. For those of you that are still loyal to reading my blog, thank you! I don't really know why I stopped writing...honestly I think I just became overwhelmed with school and didn't feel like I had time for this. But with that being said, I've been home for a month and no longer have any excuses for why I haven't written. So here I am again - hello! :)

  • My older brother, Chris, returned home May 9th from serving a two-year mission in Brazil. It's been a lot of fun having him home again!
  • Since being home from BYU, my life mainly consists of cycling, working, practicing cello, watching TV, hanging out with my siblings and friends, and eating free food. 
  • I'm moving back to BYU June 18th for summer semester, in which I'll be taking anatomy and geology. I'll also be working as a nanny. 
  • I miss my roommates a lot, and am way excited to get to see them on June 4th when I go down to Provo for a day. Yay! :) 

Hmm well that's all I can think of for the time being. Sorry it isn't much! It's great to be back. :)

P.S. My brothers lost my camera, which makes it pretty challenging to put any pictures up on here. So until I figure out a solution, you'll have to excuse that...sorry!