Saturday, November 5, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Saturday!!

So there's this little thing I like to call Awkward and Awesome's pretty self-explanatory. But just in case you're one of those individuals who never understands self-explanatory stuff, don't worry, I'll clue you in. Basically it's just a post about awkward and awesome things that happened to me this week. Feel free to comment below with your own awkward's and awesome's...I'd love to hear them!


  •  Laughing so hard snot came out of my nose . . . right in front of a boy. 
  • Putting on my grey down jacket (i.e. my puffy toasted marshmallow) and walking outside only to realize it's a nice sunny day. Overdressed much?
  • Being late for my 8 a.m. class. This wouldn't be so bad if my assigned seat wasn't in the middle of the row. Umm excuse me...pardon me...I'm so sorry....Yes, I did sleep in....Yes, I know sleeping in is bad. Come on people be nice and stop glaring at me. Just pull your knees in and let me through.
  • Trick or treating. Hi Sir....Yes, I know I'm too old, but I'm also a poor college student, so please just give me some candy...or some food would be nice too. 
  • Walking into the wrong chemistry class and not realizing it until the lecture started. 
  • Playing music off my laptop in the quiet zone of the library, only to realize AFTER I turned the music all the way up that I plugged my earphones into the wrong hole. Oops. 
  • In the last post, I was trying to figure out if "BEAR with me" or "BARE with me" was correct. I was pretty sure it was "bare", so that's what I went with. But later on after looking it up, this is what I found: “Bear with me,” the standard expression, is a request for forbearance or patience. “Bare with me” would be an invitation to undress. Yeah . . . I apologize to those of you that read the post before I fixed it. Please know that no such invitation was intentionally given out. 
  • Going home last weekend!! I loved it so much - I didn't want to leave.
  • Being sent back to Utah with a cooler full of food from my mama. . . .thank you! :) 
  • Clothes shopping with my mom. New clothes + spending time with my mom = pure happiness. 
  • My roommates . . . they make me laugh and smile everyday.
  • Our quote wall . . . ha oh the things that are said here.
  • Our secret quote wall . . .  :) 
  • Canned peaches....end of story. 
  • While I was at home, my roommates decorated my wall and left brownies (YUM!) on my desk. 

Yes I know! It's only the second post and I already figured out how to upload a picture on here. It's your lucky day :)  

Photo Credit: Kendra K.


  1. Hey. Awkward number four could be on the awesome list if you have a great costume. It's all perspective, right?
    Anyways, great post. Your blog is a great read. I think I'll follow it ;)

  2. Aw thanks Amanda! And yes, it's all about true :)
