Saturday, December 3, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Saturday!!

  • My voice cracking while talking to a guy. I didn't even know it was possible for a girl's voice to crack! It was so odd, so random, and so embarrassing. 
  • When two girls told me I just took their machine at the gym. Apparently when someone is standing five feet away from a weight machine, you're supposed to know that means they are using it. Whaaat? 
  • Walking across campus to the gym in my workout clothes while everyone stares at me. It's like they were saying, "Why are you walking? You're in work out clothes! Run girl, run!" 
  • The amount of people I pass everyday that I recognize from my ward, but have no idea what their name is. 
  • The fact that I went four days without showering. And worked out three times within those four days. I'm pretty sure that's a record. And disgusting. 
  • Being sung "Happy Birthday" to, especially when everyone was on a different key. 
  • Getting a terrible bloody nose while walking to class. 
  • Getting a second terrible bloody nose (the same day might I add) while talking trying to talk to a guy friend. 
  • Getting a third stinkin' bloody nose while trying to write this blog post!
  • Volunteering in front of my chemistry class. A couple reasons why this was awkward:
    • I had come straight from the gym so I looked gross and was in work out clothes.
    • There was about 100-150 people in the audience.
    • The task was to race against another guy to solve a problem on the board and my half of the classroom was allowed to help me. But, there were two ways to solve the problem, and I was taking the other route than the people trying to help me in the audience. So as you can imagine, it all became very confusing and I think we lost. But I still got a candy bar for trying, which was definitely the only awesome part out of this very awkward experience.  
  • As a result of having no food in my kitchen after coming back from thanksgiving break, on Monday I ate: three cookies, two slices of pumpkin pie, top ramen, and taco bell. Don't worry I went grocery shopping that night. 
  • Trying to drive to the Walmart ten minutes away, and ending up at the Walmart at least a half an hour away. 
  • The fact that I have so many more awkward's this week than awesome's. 
  • Losing my cell phone (not awesome) but then finding a girl's debit card in the parking lot and being able to find and return it to her.
  • Finding my cell phone about an hour later. The power of prayer is real my people. 
  • Sipping on hot chocolate during my Book of Mormon class in my new thermos I got for my birthday. 
  • Getting ahead two chemistry assignments. That never happens. 
  • All the food I now have in my kitchen. (The not awesome part about it is how much it cost) 
  • My roommate's bed. Okay I know that sounds wrong, but let me explain. She recently got a bed heater, which is one of my loves in this life. You can probably guess where I've been taking all of my naps :) 
  • The fact that within 3 hours thursday night, I went to a bridal shower, a game night, and a birthday party. I was only invited to the game night. 


  1. Love you Emily.....I love your awkward and awesome posts!

  2. Now you know how all the guys feel when their voices crack haha
